Freeworld News 27-11-15

  • Reading time:2 mins read

What to expect?

We have a seed market report update from our trader Alex Poole up on the website. You can check out the video by clicking here. We are in the process of creating a video representation report of our brazil nut trader, Ailsa, meeting Bolivian President Evo Morales recently to talk about the state of brazil nut. Stay tuned for that.


Ailsa met up with Evo Morales, who is widely regarded as the country’s first president to come from the indigenous population. A democratic socialist, he is the head of the Movement for Socialism (MAS) party.


– Burgeoning USD strength
– Increased dollar strength a result of lack of risk appetite with increased uncertainty in world affairs

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Relationship between Turkey and Russia

Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet after it invaded their air space, and now Russian sanctions have been imposed on Turkey. We ask –

1. Will these sanctions depress the dried fruits and nuts export market in Turkey?

2. Will Turkey continue to be a smuggling route into Russia for EU processed goods?

3. Russia and Turkey have had a strong trading partnership, including the fact there are 3.5 millions Russians abroad in Turkey for holiday and they buy a lot of Turkish figs, sultanas etc.How will these recent events affect their future trading relationship?