SDG 2: Zero Hunger

  • Reading time:3 mins read

This goal underscores the intricate relationships between food security, nutrition, rural transformation, and sustainable agriculture. UN statistics reveal that approximately 690 million people worldwide suffer from hunger, accounting for nearly 10% of the global population.

Our investment in Shared Future projects directly aligns with SDG 2’s outcome targets. As a company focused on facilitating food production, we prioritise sustainable agricultural practices and resilient food production systems, contributing significantly to food security and nutrition.

Sustainable Agriculture

As an organically certified company, we wholeheartedly embrace the principles of the organic certification body. In our Happy Village Shared Future project, agronomists train farmers on generating successful yields without relying on harmful chemicals. Furthermore, our Chinese Goji suppliers adopt dedicated growing areas, separate from other crops, ensuring that pesticides from neighbouring farms do not leach into the soil and, consequently, impact the goji berries.

The Challenges Ahead

Recognising the substantial efforts required to leave no one behind on the path to a world with zero hunger, we remain dedicated to playing a crucial role by importing nutritious, wholesome foods to the European market. Encouraging sustainable farming practices paves the way for a world where nutritious, sustainably grown foods are widely and economically available, thereby bringing us closer to achieving Zero Hunger by 2030.

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