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Whole, Blue
Conventional (UK, Low Morphine)
Poppy Seed
Widely grown seed, much of which is a by product of morphine production. Many EU nations produce this, but the most popular ‘bakery use’ poppy comes from Czech Republic. Big demands for poppy in bakery use come from Germany and Eastern Europe Poppy is available as blue, white and grey. Often many origins are blended to produce an A2 grade. This is in an effort to make a consistent colour Voluntary morphine levels are often imposed by some buyers. Typically <30ppm or sometimes down to <10ppm. Steam sterilisation is available on poppy to control micros
Conventional (UK, Low Morphine)
Associate Director
Senior Trader
Supporting projects that facilitate opportunity and growth, enriching the lives of the farmers.
Relationships and strong industry connections, working directly with the farms at source.